Mister Spinach

Mister Spinach is an easy crop to grow in the garden. It doesn't grow well in hot weather but grows best during cold, rainy spring weather. This is why spinach is available from November to March.
Spinach, is in fact, one of the most nutritious vegetables. It’s high in iron, which helps build red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen through the body and provide energy. Spinach is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C.
During World War I, spinach juice was added to wine and given to soldiers who had been injured. The reason is that spinach is good for building blood.
Fun facts
Popeye, an old-time comic book hero, was a sailor known for his strength. His secret weapon? Spinach. At the approach of trouble, he chugged a can of spinach, which caused his muscles to bulge.

Draw me

Step 1

First of all, draw the main shape.

Step 2

Then draw the shapes inside of the leaves.

Step 3

Draw the line of the trousers and braces.

Step 4

It's time to draw the face.

Step 5

Now you can colour the main part with a nice green.

Step 6

Finally, it's time to colour him all with a darker green.