Accessibility Statement

Messy Chef was created with accessibility in mind. I wanted the website to be enjoyed by anyone and anywhere, regardless of technology or ability. I have attempted to make the website accessibile to the best of my knowledge and ability at this time.

The Messy Chef website uses ARIA roles where possible so that screen readers can read the content labels properly. It uses HTML5 tags that define hierarchy of content and structure. I’d like to credit the contributors of WordPress’ “twentyeighteen” theme for their hard work in creating functions for screen readers, particularly for buttons and functional icons. I use many of their functions in my theme for this website.

I aimed to follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to the best of by knowledge and ability. The code of this website is compliant with the W3C’s standards for HTML and CSS. The website has been tested on different browsers and devices as well as having the colour contrast tested.

Although some efforts for accessibility have been made, I would love to hear from you if you experience any difficulty while browsing through Flavour Guide. Please email me with any comments and/or suggestions for improvement.