Mister Kiwi

Mister Kiwi is available from November until May.
Kiwis are high in antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals in the body that can lead to any range of health problems including cancer. One kiwi fruit contains 1.5 times the daily recommended dose of vitamin C, a primary antioxidant that experts say can help boost the immune system. Eating a kiwi is an easy and delicious way to get your daily intake of vitamin C and E.
When you choose a kiwi, look for a fruit that is plump and fragrant with no visible bruising or wrinkles and a slightly firm feel.
Fun facts
The kiwi originally called the Chinese gooseberry and later the “sunny peach”, was renamed the kiwi by New Zealand natives after their national bird. There are over 400 varieties of this fuzzy fruit, which grows off of vines on a trellis, much like grapes are cultivated.

Draw me

Step 1

First of all, draw a circle as main shape and them a semicircle to its left part.

Step 2

Then add a border to the main circle.

Step 3

Now you can draw the eyes and the mouth. For this last one draw as many dots as you can.

Step 4

Add others light drops following the picture and then draw the nose.

Step 5

Draw the other stain behind the eyes then you can start colouring the inside part of Mister Kiwi with a nice green.

Step 6

Finally, it's time to colour him all.