Miss Courgette

Miss Courgette is always available from June until September.
Nutrients and vitamins found in courgette can help prevent cancer and heart disease. A courgette has more potassium than a banana.
Courgettes were first brought to the United States in the 1920s by the Italians. Courgette can be also called Zucchini, that comes from ‘zucca’ the Italian word for squash. Also, Mild bitterness in courgettes, like that in related species like cucumbers, may be result from environmental factors such as high temperature, low moisture, low soil nutrients, etc. The bitterness is caused by compounds called cucurbitacins.
Fun facts
Biggest is NOT best. The most flavorful courgettes are small- to medium-sized and the darker the skin, the richer the nutrients.

Draw me

Step 1

First of all, draw the main shape.

Step 2

Then draw the eyes.

Step 3

Draw the mouth.

Step 4

Now you can add the green shadows behind the eyes and the mouth.

Step 5

Colour the top of her.

Step 6

Finally, it's time to colour her all.